56 research outputs found

    Traditional media and new media in communicating about public benefit in Poland

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    Because of the fact that it has been possible to donate 1 per cent of income tax to public benefit organisations since 2003, these organisations must communicate with the environment if they want to obtain money from tax deduction. The popularity of taking advantage of one per cent allocations in Poland (in 2013, 44 per cent of taxpayers did it), created competition among organisations trying to obtain the declared amounts. Communication with the environment by organisations requires both the right choice of information channels – the division into traditional and new media has been accounted for, as well as formulating messages in such a way as to reach taxpayers as efficiently as possible and persuade them to support aims the organisation achieves. The paper will present the results of research into how effectively these organisations communicate with the use of traditional and new mediaPublikacja dofinansowana z badań statutowych - Wydział Psychologii i Nauk Humanistycznych KAAF

    Election Campaign for Local Government in the Perspective of Local Government Press

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    Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleLocal government press is one of important channels of conveying information in the local space. Its functions are being constantly redefined as a result of the changing paradigm of communicating on the local level. Local government press gains particular importance during any election campaign becoming the carrier of information for local authorities seeking reelection. The following text presents the results of research carried out in selected cities with poviat rights in the last quarter of 2014, during the local government election campaign in Poland.Badania statutowe KAAF

    Network Communities as an Expression of Inclusive Culture of Participation in Political Protests: The Sunflower Movement Case Study

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationThis article offers an analysis of the ways creation of a community influences the activity of users expressed in their network behaviour. It has been assumed that a varied choice of used tools and channels of communication characterising societies with a high level of technological development simultaneously influences fragmentation of network communication processes. Inclusive culture of participation becomes limited, which is the result of the degree of engagement of users which influence participation in a virtual community. This leads to their differentiation in relation to content and choice of the used channels during network communication. Another factor limiting participation is also communication activity of administrators of a virtual community who impose the dominating content of messages. The research results are a part of scientific research concerning the role of leaders in network communication as well as the creation of network communities that accompany political protests and demonstrations

    The Role of Social Media in Creating Intercultural Dialogue and Overcoming Prejudice – a Comparative Analysis of Pilot Survey Results

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleMulticulturalism, as a political and social phenomenon, is more and more often perceived as a challenge in the realm of studying communication processes. New media make it possible to communicate and build relations in the global dimension with a simultaneous impact on the development of horizontal communication, creating groups and communities and active support for different forms of social participation. In this context a pilot study concerning the role of new media in overcoming schemata and prejudice of students in two different cities with different levels of multiculturalism in the local community was carried out.Research was carried out with the financial support of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University. Trip to Berlin was financed as part of a study visit to Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Berlin that cooperates with Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University

    Using Facebook in Political Communication of Cities of the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and their Mayors

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleLiczba użytkowników Facebooka na świecie jest szacowana obecnie na ponad 600 mln osób. To najpopularniejszy serwis społecznościowy, a jego użytkownicy określani są mianem społeczności Facebooka. To miejsce, w którym także coraz częściej dochodzi do komunikacji politycznej jako procesu, w którym politycy mają szansę na bezpośrednie docieranie z informacją do wyborców, kreację debaty publicznej oraz zabiegania o poparcie projektów politycznych. Takie procesy komunikacji mają istotne znaczenie zwłaszcza w społecznościach lokalnych, w których debata ma szczególnie istotne znaczenie. W artykule zaprezentowano właśnie lokalną perspektywę wykorzystania Facebooka w procesach komunikacji politycznej.The total number of Facebook users worldwide is now estimated at more than 600 million people. It is the most popular social network service in the world and its users are called the Facebook society. This is a platform, where political communication occurs more and more frequently, as a process in which politicians have the possibility to directly access voters, create public debate and strive for support of their political projects. Such communication processes are particularly important in local communities, where the role of debate has significant meaning. This local perspective of using Facebook in processes of political communication is discussed in the article herein presented

    Legislation on Financing Public Benefit Activities from Tax Designation in Poland

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleRegulations concerning public benefit activities in Poland were adopted with the Act on Public Benefit Activity and Volunteerism of April 24, 2003. In this way a special type of nongovernmental organization (NGO) was introduced into the legal system, known as the public benefit organization (PBO). PBOs had been operating in Poland long before the introduction of the Act, but it was only then that they received a special “public benefit status” that ensures legal recognition of organizations performing public benefit activities. Nongovernmental organizations of different legal forms (such as associations, foundations, and religious organizations) can get the public benefit status after meeting certain formal requirements. Such status gives them access to certain benefits reserved for PBOs. Should they lose this status, they can continue with their activities but no longer have access to these benefits. The main benefit is the right to collect a 1 percent tax designation from personal income tax. Polish taxpayers have the right to assign part of their tax liability to public benefit organizations. Other CEE countries that adopted such solutions include Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Romania

    Promoting The Image Of a Country In The International Arena. Case Study: Taiwan

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed paperTaiwan, as a country, despite its diplomatic isolation, participates in international relations enjoying a special interna- tional legal status. The aim of the present article is to find these elements of shaping the image of a country that are exhi- bited in Taiwan's promotion in the international arena. Particular attention in the article is paid to the analysis of influ- ence of shaping Taiwanese identity and ongoing democratic processes in the country, aimed at guaranteeing civil liber- ties, as important elements in the creation of the image of the Republic of China. A separate issue that has been analysed in the article is the image of Taiwan that emerges from materials broadcast by selected global TV channels

    Media in election processes

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articl

    The Role of Social Media During Protests on Maidan

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articlePolitical protests which took place in Ukraine were another example of how social and content websites were used during protests on the Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti) in Kiev – the protests started in November 2013 and ended in February 2014. This article offers presentation of the results of research that was carried out in Kiev and Lviv in May 2015 among students of two Ukrainian universities: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and the National University of Taras Shevchenko in Lviv. The aim of the conducted research was to establish which of the new media (social media and blogs) and in what way were used by the students during protests and if the way of using the new media influenced the engagement of students in protests. Such comparative research also made it possible to find differences in attitudes and motivations of students participating in protests in Kiev but coming from two different cities in Ukraine – Kiev and Lviv. The research results may contribute to a deepened analysis of the ways the new media are used during political and social protests with reference to differences in people’s attitudes depending on their personal or Internet engagement.Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej, Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskieg

    The role of intercultural communication competences in building a sustainable global society

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    Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleThis text is an attempt at the analysis of selected cultural codes in the context of their use in the process of communication between individuals who are members of different cultures. The level of effective communication determines the efficiency of processes going on in many areas, including management and building a varied society, where multiculturalism is becoming more and more common. As a result of current events and circumstances, many countries where the issue of multiculturalism seemed a challenge of quite a distant future must now face new problems - fast-paced globalisation that requires negotiation competences in different cultures or increasing numbers of migrants, also as employees. Analysing the issue of intercultural competences the authors concentrate on showing cultural differences as barriers in communication between individuals and on emphasising their sources for the understanding of these differences. Thus authors hope that this text will contribute to understanding the essence of communication competences in a global multicultural society, also for its sustained development. Moreover, the article shows perspectives for the application of communication processes in solving intercultural conflicts and in creating new types of intercultural relations in a global society